
JavaScript classes are constructs created through the ES6 class syntax, that closely resemble those produced by the Pseudoclassical Inheritance Pattern.


Classes can be created through class declarations or class expressions, which can be used to create base classes or derived classes.

Base Classes

Base class declarations consist of a class keyword followed by the class identifier and a code block that can contain any of the following:

NB 1: Unlike for object literals, the different methods are not separated by commas.

NB 2: In addition to the standard identifier rules, eval and arguments are not valid class identifiers.

NB 3: It is not possible to define data properties on a class with a class declaration or a class expression (although they can be added on the class manually after its declaration).

class Vertebrate {
    constructor(name) {
        Object.assign(this, {
            hasVertebrae: true,
            position: 0,

    get description() {
        return `${}: ${}`;

    greet() {
        console.log(`Hi! I'm a ${}!`);

    walk() {
        return ++this.position;

    static isVertebrate(animal) {
        return animal.hasVertebrae;

Base class expressions follow exactly the same syntax as base class declarations but may omit the class identifier, whose binding will further only exist withing the class definition if provided.

Derived Classes

Derived class declarations follow the same syntax as base class declarations with the difference that the class identifier is succeeded by the extends keyword and an expression evaluating to null or a constructor (i.e. a function with an internal [[Construct]] method and a prototype property).

NB: if the expression following the extends keyword is not a constructor a TypeError is thrown.

The super() keyword can be called in the constructor() method of derived classes following the rules below:

  • super() may only be called once.
  • Trying to access this before super() is called results in a ReferenceError.
  • super() must be called if no object is explicitly returned from the constructor() method.
class Bird extends Vertebrate {
    constructor(name, canFly) {
        Object.assign(this, {
            laysEggs: true,

    walk() {
        console.log("Advancing on 2 legs...");
        return super.walk();

    static isBird(animal) {
        return super.isVertebrate(animal) && animal.laysEggs;

Derived class expressions follow exactly the same syntax as derived class declarations but may omit the class identifier, whose binding will further only exist withing the class definition if provided.


The features of ES6 classes can be classified as follows:

  1. Syntactic sugar for the standard ES5 pseudoclassical inheritance pattern
  2. Syntactic sugar for improvements to the pseudoclassical inheritance pattern available but impractical or uncommon in ES5
  3. Syntactic sugar for improvements to the pseudoclassical inheritance pattern not available in ES5, but which can be implemented in ES6 without the class syntax
  4. Features impossible to implement without the class syntax
  5. Side Notes

Following this classification the typical class declarations in the examples above can be desugared step by step.

1. Syntactic Sugar for the Standard ES5 Pseudoclassical Inheritance Pattern

At their core, ES6 classes provide syntactic sugar for the standard ES5 pseudoclassical inheritance pattern.

Class Declarations / Expressions

In the background a class declaration or a class expression will create a constructor function with the same name as the class such that:

  1. The internal [[Construct]] property of the constructor refers to the code block attached to the class’s constructor() method.
  2. The class’s methods are defined on the constructor’s prototype property (static methods are not included for now).

Using ES5 syntax, the initial class declaration is thus roughly equivalent to the following (leaving out static methods):

// 1. A constructor function containing the code of the class's constructor method is defined:
function Vertebrate(name) {
    Object.assign(this, {
        hasVertebrae: true,
        position: 0,

// 2. Class methods are defined on the constructor's prototype property:
Object.assign(Vertebrate.prototype, {
    get description() {
        return `${}: ${}`;
    greet() {
        console.log(`Hi! I'm a ${}!`);
    walk() {
        return ++this.position;

Derived Class Declarations / Expressions

In addition to to the above, derived class declarations or derived class expressions will also set up an inheritance between the constructors’ prototype properties and make use of the super syntax such that:

  1. The protoype property of the child constructor inherits from the prototype property of the parent constructor.
  2. The super() call amounts to calling the parent constructor with this bound to the current context.

    • This is only a rough approximation of the functionality provided by super(), which would also set the implicit parameter and trigger the internal [[Construct]] method (instead of the [[Call]] method). The super() call will get fully ‘desugared’ in section 3.
  3. The super[method]() calls amount to calling the method on the parent’s prototype object with this bound to the current context (we are not including static methods for now).

    • This is only an approximation of super[method]() calls which don’t rely on a direct reference to a parent class. super[method]() calls will get fully replicated in section 3.

Using ES5 syntax, the initial derived class declaration is thus roughly equivalent to the following (leaving out static methods):

function Bird(name) {
    // 2. The super() call is approximated by directly calling the parent constructor:, name);
    this.hasWings = true;

// 1. Inheritance is established between the constructors' prototype properties:
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Vertebrate.prototype, {
    constructor: {
        value: Bird,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true,

// 3. The super[method]() call is approximated by directly calling the method on the parent's prototype object
Object.assign(Bird.prototype, {
    walk() {
        console.log("Advancing on 2 legs...");

Note that with ES6 syntax inheritance could also be more concisely be established as follows:

// 1. Inheritance is established between the constructors' prototype properties:
Object.setPrototypeOf(Bird.prototype, Vertebrate.prototype);

2. Syntactic Sugar for Improvements to the Pseudoclassical Inheritance Pattern Available but Impractical or Uncommon in ES5

ES6 classes further provide improvements to the pseudoclassical inheritance pattern that could already have been implemented in ES5, but were often left out as they could be a bit impractical to set up.

Class Declarations / Expressions

A class declaration or a class expression will further set things up such that:

  1. All code inside the class declaration or class expression runs in strict mode.
  2. The class’s static methods are defined on the constructor itself.
  3. All class methods (static or not) are non enumerable.
  4. The constructor’s prototype property is non-writable.

Using ES5 syntax, the initial class declaration is thus more precisely (but still only partially) equivalent to the following:

var Vertebrate = (function() {
    // 1. Code is wrapped in an IIFE that runs in strict mode:
    "use strict";

    function Vertebrate(name) {
        Object.assign(this, {
            hasVertebrae: true,
            position: 0,

    // 3. Methods are defined to be non-enumerable:
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate.prototype, "description", {
        get() {
            return `${}: ${}`;
        configurable: true,
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate.prototype, "greet", {
        value: function greet() {
            console.log(`Hi! I'm a ${}!`);
        writable: true,
        configurable: true,
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate.prototype, "walk", {
        value: function walk() {
            return ++this.position;
        writable: true,
        configurable: true,

    // 2. Static methods are defined on the constructor itself:
    // 3. Methods are defined to be non-enumerable:
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate, "isVertebrate", {
        value: function isVertebrate(animal) {
            return animal.hasVertebrae;
        writable: true,
        configurable: true,

    // 4. The constructor's prototype property is defined to be non-writable:
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate, "prototype", { writable: false });

    return Vertebrate;
  • NB 1: If the surrounding code is already running in strict mode, there is of course no need to wrap everything in an IIFE.
  • NB 2: Although it was possible to define static properties without problem in ES5, this was not very common. The reason for this may be that establishing inheritance of static properties was not possible without the use of the then non-standard __proto__ property.

Derived Class Declarations / Expressions

In addition to to the above, derived class declarations or derived class expressions will also make use of the super syntax such that:

  1. The super[method]() calls inside static methods amount to calling the method on the parent’s constructor with this bound to the current context.

    • This is only an approximation of super[method]() calls which don’t rely on a direct reference to a parent class. super[method]() calls in static methods cannot fully be mimicked without the use of the class syntax and are listed in section 4.

Using ES5 syntax, the initial derived class declaration is thus more precisely (but still only partially) equivalent to the following:

function Bird(name) {, name);
    this.hasWings = true;

Bird.prototype = Object.create(Vertebrate.prototype, {
    constructor: {
        value: Bird,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true,

Object.assign(Bird.prototype, {
    walk() {
        console.log("Advancing on 2 legs...");

Object.defineProperty(Bird, "isBird", {
    value: function isBird(animal) {
        // 1. The super[method]() call is approximated by directly calling the method on the parent's constructor:
        return, animal) && animal.hasWings;
    writable: true,
    configurable: true,

Object.defineProperty(Bird, "prototype", { writable: false });

3. Syntactic Sugar for Improvements to the Pseudoclassical Inheritance Pattern not Available in ES5

ES6 classes further provide improvements to the pseudoclassical inheritance pattern that are not available in ES5, but can be implemented in ES6 without having to resort to the class syntax.

Class Declarations / Expressions

ES6 characteristics found elsewhere also made it into classes, in particular:

  1. Class declarations behave like let declarations - they are not initialised when hoisted and end up in the Temporal Dead Zone before the declaration.
  2. The class name behaves like a const binding inside the class declaration - attempting to override it will result in a TypeError.
  3. Class constructors must be called through the internal [[Construct]] method, a TypeError is thrown if they are called as ordinary functions through the internal [[Call]] method.
  4. Class methods (static or not), behave like methods defined through the concise method syntax, which is to say that:

    • They can use the super keyword through super.prop or super[method] (this is because they get assigned an internal [[HomeObject]] property).
    • They cannot be used as constructors - they lack a prototype property and an internal [[Construct]] property.

Using ES6 syntax, the initial class declaration is thus even more precisely (but still only partially) equivalent to the following:

// 1. The constructor is defined with a let declaration, it is thus not initialized when hoisted and ends up in the TDZ:
let Vertebrate = (function() {
    "use strict";

    // 2. Inside the IIFE, the constructor is defined with a const declaration, thus preventing an overwrite of the class name:
    const Vertebrate = function Vertebrate(name) {
        // 3. A TypeError is thrown if the constructor is invoked as an ordinary function without being set:
        if (typeof === "undefined") {
            throw new TypeError(`Class constructor ${} cannot be invoked without 'new'`);

        Object.assign(this, {
            hasVertebrae: true,
            position: 0,

    // 4. Methods are defined using the concise method syntax:
    Vertebrate.prototype = {
        constructor: Vertebrate,
        get description() {
            return `${}: ${}`;
        greet() {
            console.log(`Hi! I'm a ${}!`);
        walk() {
            return ++this.position;
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate.prototype, "constructor", { enumerable: false });
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate.prototype, "description", { enumerable: false });
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate.prototype, "greet", { enumerable: false });
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate.prototype, "walk", { enumerable: false });
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate, "prototype", { writable: false });

    // 4. Static methods are defined using the concise method syntax:
    Object.assign(Vertebrate, {
        isVertebrate(animal) {
            return animal.hasVertebrae;
    Object.defineProperty(Vertebrate, "isVertebrate", { enumerable: false });

    return Vertebrate;
  • NB 1: Although instance and static methods are both defined with the concise method syntax, super references will not behave as expected in static methods. Indeed the internal [[HomeObject]] property is not copied over by Object.assign(). Setting the [[HomeObject]] property correctly on static methods would require us to define a function constructor using an object literal, which is not possible.
  • NB 2: To prevent constructors being invoked without the new keyword, similar safeguards could already be implemented in ES5 by making use of the instanceof operator. Those are not covering all cases though (see Scope Safe Constructors).

Derived Class Declarations / Expressions

In addition to to the above the following will also hold for a derived class declaration or derived class expression:

  1. The child constructor inherits from the parent constructor (i.e. derived classes inherit static members).
  2. Calling super() in the derived class constructor amounts to calling the parent constructor with the current value and binding the this context to the returned object.

Using ES6 syntax, the initial derived class declaration is thus more precisely (but still only partially) equivalent to the following:

let Bird = (function() {
    "use strict";

    const Bird = function(name, canFly) {
        if (typeof === "undefined") {
            throw new TypeError(`Class constructor ${} cannot be invoked without 'new'`);

        // 2. super() calls amount to calling the parent constructor with the current value and binding the 'this' context to the returned value
        const that = Reflect.construct(Vertebrate, [name],;

        return Object.assign(that, {
            laysEggs: true,

    Bird.prototype = {
        constructor: Bird,
        walk() {
            console.log("Advancing on 2 legs...");
            // super[method]() calls can now be made using the concise method syntax (see 4. in Class Declarations / Expressions above):
            return super.walk();
    Object.defineProperty(Bird.prototype, "constructor", { enumerable: false });
    Object.defineProperty(Bird.prototype, "walk", { enumerable: false });
    Object.defineProperty(Bird, "prototype", { writable: false });

    Object.assign(Bird, {
        isBird(animal) {
            // super[method]() calls can still not be made in static methods (see NB 1 in Class Declarations / Expressions above):
            return Vertebrate.isVertebrate(animal) && animal.hasWings;
    Object.defineProperty(Bird, "isBird", { enumerable: false });

    // 1. Inheritance is established between the constructors (in addition to their prototype properties):
    Object.setPrototypeOf(Bird, Vertebrate);
    Object.setPrototypeOf(Bird.prototype, Vertebrate.prototype);

    return Bird;
  • NB 1: As Object.create() can only be used to set the prototype of a new non-function object, setting up the inheritance between the constructors themselves could only be implemented in ES5 by manipulating the then non-standard __proto__ property.
  • NB 2: It is not possible to mimic the effect of super() using the this context, so we had to return a that object explicitly from the constructor.

4. Features Impossible to Implement without the class Syntax

ES6 classes further provide the following features that cannot be implemented at all without actually using the class syntax:

  1. The internal [[HomeObject]] property of static class methods points to the class constructor.

    • There is no way to implement this for ordinary constructor functions, as it would require defining a function through an object literal (see also section 3 above). This is particularly problematic for static methods of derived classes making use of the super keyword like the Bird.isBird() method.

If the parent class is known in advance, it is possible to circumvent that issue by defining the static methods of the derived class on an object inheriting from the parent class, like so:

function Vertebrate(name) {
    if (typeof === "undefined") {
        throw new TypeError(`Class constructor ${} cannot be invoked without 'new'`);

    Object.assign(this, {
        hasVertebrae: true,
        position: 0,
Object.assign(Vertebrate, {
    isVertebrate(animal) {
        return animal.hasVertebrae;

function Bird(name, canFly) {
    if (typeof === "undefined") {
        throw new TypeError(`Class constructor ${} cannot be invoked without 'new'`);

    const that = Reflect.construct(Vertebrate, [name],;
    return Object.assign(that, {
        laysEggs: true,
Object.assign(Bird, Object.setPrototypeOf({ // This is the important step!
    isBird(animal) {
        return super.isVertebrate(animal) && animal.laysEggs;
}, Vertebrate));

const dodo = new Bird("Dodo", false);
console.log(Bird.isBird(dodo));     // true

Although the internal [[HomeObject]] property of isBird() will point to an anonymous object inheriting from Vertebrate instead of pointing to Bird itself, this workaround will produce the same observed behaviors.

Side Notes

There is a further peculiarity of classes that did not fit into the above classification:

  1. Derived classes set up a default constructor() method if none is provided, corresponding to:

    constructor(...args) {
